Friday, November 25, 2011

No Regrets

One year ago today, the night of the Annual Christmas Parade in Newton, I began to fill out an application for Rotary Youth Exchange 2011-2012. The chance of a lifetime layed before me, and I knew that if I didn't pursue such an oppurtunity, I would regret it forever. I had nothing to lose! Now, friends, I am in Spain. I'm learning about myself, experiencing the amazing culture of Spain, and seeing the world in new ways. They weren't lying when they said exchange is a roller coaster - there have already been some downs - but in the end, I am going to come out stronger and maybe even a little smarter. I am so glad that I took the oppurtunity I did one year ago. I can't imagine myself anywhere else than Spain right now.

Drink some apple cider at the parade for me tonight! I love you guys :)


1 comment:

  1. I remember that night. I knew how much you really wanted to do it and I also hoped that you would change your mind or that the program wouldn't accept you. But, I am so happy that God made the way for you to do this. God has been in this from the very beginning and I know he will bless your exchange. Even though I miss you terribly and no day is the same without you, I think Spain is very lucky to have you there. I love you Sweetie!
