Hi again! I know it's only been two days since my last post, however, today marks a special day. On September 15th, exactly one month from today, will be my first day of school in Spain. This of course is assuming that I will be in Spain by then. With the latest visa news (see last post), I just don't know what to expect anymore. Here, school starts in nine days, and I don't plan on attending the little bit of school that may go on between the first day and my departure. Maybe a lunch or two with my friends, but class? Mm, not so much! Don't worry though, I will be receiving plenty of education to make up for the next few weeks. Sure, school doesn't start until mid-September in Spain, but the last day isn't until June 30th!
One year ago today, I was savoring summer. School started August 25, one day after is does this year. I was excited to become a sophomore, but sad because that summer that had truly been amazing and unforgettable was all of a sudden ending. Cross country was on my mind, even homecoming was already on my mind. But you know what wasn't on my mind? Youth exchange. I hadn't even heard of Rotary Youth Exchange one year ago. Yet here I am.
On the first day of sophomore year, I was excited for a fresh start. So many changes in my life had happened during summer, during the past year really, and I was ready to begin again. I was determined to make the most of the year. One of the many things I had learned during summer was that the world is bigger than you and me, that there is so much more beyond the walls of school, beyond Newton. As school went on, I became very frustrated. I couldn't understand how some people (in high school) could be so caught up in their own little world, when there's so much more than us. It was comforting to know that there is so much more to life then what went on in school, in Newton, but frustrating because I felt like there was such a shallow outlook surrounding me. I don't share this to lecture anyone, I share it so you will understand how cool the next part of my little story is.
This is the post where you find out how I got into all this exchange business. Let's go back three years . . . In eighth grade, I had a teacher whose son went on exchange with Rotary to Brazil either the previous year or a few years back. She would talk about his experiences all the time, and I remember thinking, "Wow. That would be amazing; that would be so cool! I should seriously look into that . . . Nah, I would miss everyone too much. I would miss a year of high school that I could never get back . . ." And that was the end of that. Time passed and I forgot about it.
We now return to last year, the beginning of my sophomore year. It's November, so school has been in session for about three months and I'm sitting in of my favorite classes of the day: Newspaper. I took Journalism as the prerequisite for Newspaper freshman year, then joined the Newspaper staff sophomore year. It's an actual class where you earn grades, and you do what it sounds like: make newspapers. Cardinal Chronicle, the school newspaper that our Newspaper Staff publishes, comes out monthly. Little did I know that November's issue would start a chain of events that brings us to today.
November's issue had good articles about the start of the swim season, chorus concerts, the annual food drive. . . but the article that caught my eye wasn't about any of those things - it was about the three foreign exchange students that Newton was hosting. If you'd like to read the article, go ahead and click here (it's on page five). So it begins. After I read that article, I imagined myself as a foreign exchange student. What an experience I thought to myself, especially since I want to be a missionary - being immersed in a new culture, living just as they do. . . I thought of my teacher in eighth grade. I did a lot of thinking, and even some talking at home. I joked around with my sister and brother saying I was going to be an exchange student. It could never really happen though I told myself. Still, after a few days, I began researching foreign exchange. It was one of those things that one doubts could ever happen, but is intrigued by nonetheless. However, my searches weren't very successful. There were many results, yes, but how could I know which ones were reliable? I needed to talk to some people who actually had a clue. First though, I needed to talk to my parents. I told them that I was interested in becoming a foreign exchange student, but I had no idea what it would all entail because I couldn't find much useful information. So, when they told me that if it was something that I really wanted to pursue to go ahead and talk to my counselor at school, I was shocked. My mom told me that this might be the perfect opportunity with what I was going through - I had told her about how frustrated I was at school. This would be my opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, than the walls of my school. So, no objections? Alright! A few days later. I told my guidance counselor at school I was interested in being a foreign exchange student and I asked her if she had any information about it. Sadly though, the guidance office had no resources for me!
I was back at square one. My guidance counselor did however recommend that I talk to the Activities Director in the main office, since his son went on exchange a few years back. A few days after going to the guidance office I talked to the Activities Director, explaining my dilemma. He said that two students from the high school were on exchange right now and they were going through the same program his son did. But what was the program called? He just couldn't remember. So what does he do next? He calls his wife - surely she would remember! And who would this wife be? None other than the eighth grade teacher who sparked that first bit of interest in me two years before. Rotary she tells him. She also tells him the name of Newton Rotary Club's Youth Exchange Counselor. Awesomesauce.
I called the counselor and she didn't answer, but hey, I'd gotten further than I was the day before, which was success in my eyes! That night I researched Rotary and was eager to talk to the exchange counselor. The next time I called the counselor, she answered and I explained: I'm interested in foreign exchange and I could use some more information. She told me that she was pretty sure the deadline to submit an application had passed (it had - October 31 I'm pretty sure), however it had only been a few weeks and they would probably accept it if I got in quickly. First, she told me talk to my school counselor and make sure that I had a graduation plan because most exchange students plan their exchange for years. She then told me to research Rotary a little bit (check!) and to fill out the application at this website. She warned that the application was very extensive, but to call if I had any questions. When I finished the application, I could call her and we'd go from there.
So . . . when she said that the application was extensive, she wasn't joking. It took a few weeks to fill out that application, but it felt so good when I was finished - it was December 13th. I am now convinced that any application I am ever going to fill out again will be a breeze compared to Rotary's! I also made sure to talk to my counselor at school. After looking over my credits, it looked like I would still be able to graduate with my class, even with a year abroad. I would receive elective credit for any classes took abroad. I was disappointed to find out that I'd only receive elective credit, but excited because that is when I first thought - "This might just be possible." I called the youth exchange counselor, and she set up an interview at my house with me and my parents to kind of see if I was right for exchange and exchange was right for me. There I would give her my application. The interview went well, and I gave her my application. She told me I should be getting a call or email from the District Youth Exchange Officer soon about an upcoming event in January for the "outbounds." I then learned that an outbound is a to-be exchange student, living in their home country. During your exchange you are an inbound, living in your host country. Only a few days later - December 23rd! - I received an email from the district outbound coordinator about the annual outbound winter retreat. It sounded like such a fun time, but . . . I couldn't go! It was scheduled for January 15th and 16th, only a few days after I was scheduled to have surgery (that's another story). It was a mandatory event ; they were going to have the second of two interviews there, and I was going to miss it! Surely this couldn't be the end of my journey. I talked with the outbound coordinator and explained that I couldn't go. He said that it was fine but to send a parent to the retreat one day so we could get some information and that we'd need to have an interview as soon as possible afterwards. My surgery went fine and my dad ended up going to the retreat. He got some good info and things were rolling.
A few days after the retreat, the outbound coordinator called me for my top country choices. I told him 1. Spain, 2. Italy, 3.Brazil, 4. Greece. He said that a lot of people wanted Spain, so I probably wouldn't get it . . . On February 12th, I would have my interview with two other students who also couldn't be interviewed at the winter retreat.
Ah, so there it is, folks! My very first blog post was on February 13th, the day after my interview. From there, one thing led to another, and on June 15, I received my guarantee form basically saying, this is it - it's final and you're going to Spain, my friend! For a while, I wasn't sure if I would be able to go financially, but everything came through. During the first few months that I got into everything (November - February-ish), I didn't tell many people that I was looking into foreign exchange. Sure I told some of my close friends, my family knew, but I didn't want to get my or other people's hopes up. What if it doesn't work out? Everything could fall through like 'that.' When I found out that Spain had accepted my application in February, I started to tell people about it. Most of them had no idea I was even looking into youth exchange, but they still thought it was awesome! God opened doors since the day I read that newspaper article. Even though I got in the game late, I couldn't make the mandatory retreat, and I shouldn't be able to afford youth exchange, I'm still here. If that's not a go ahead, I don't know what is.
Over the past few months, I've noticed I've been forgetting some details about how it all began. It feels good to have it all sorted out, written out. I'm kind of glad I've forgotten some things though, because now I realize how important recording what's going on is, whether in this blog or a journal. The past year has been exciting, yet I'm forgetting what hasn't been wrote down. So, my goal for this upcoming year in Spain is to blog or journal at least once a week.Yes, my mom already requested that I blog once a week to be assured I'm alive, but that is somewhat beside the point.
"Yes, my mom already requested that I blog once a week to be assured I'm alive, but that is somewhat beside the point."
ReplyDeleteReally? I guess I won't have to send you any money since I don't know if you are alive and well.
Better yet, as a mother I am obligated to assure that you are okay. So, if I don't hear from you (just a word or two on your blog, facebook, or e-mail) I will be forced to fly to Spain and check on your well-being for myself. While I'm there I could hang out with you and your new friends. Sounds like fun, right?
Or, you could just write a few words every week so your momma knows that you are okay.
Love you!
I have a problem and since you're the blog master I had to come to you.
ReplyDeleteThe google translate gadget on my blog broke :'(
What do I do now?? I have foreign friends that need to have my words translated!
Your advice would be much appreciated ;)
Thanks man.
Hey! Yeah my Google Translate broke down too! I tried finding another translator to put on, but I couldn't find one that worked :( Unless you find something else, I'd just put the link to Google Translate on your page. Sorry I couldn't help you out more; I hope that all your exchange stuff is going well!