I love my life. I just love it, so much. I've heard so many times that Christmas is the lowest part of an exchanger's year, but for me, that was not so at all. In fact, I'd have to say that Christmas vacation is the best part of my exchange so far. I got to hang out with my "cousin" Rafa, I went out with friends a bunch, and I'm pretty sure my Spanish skills doubled or something like that.
New Years Eve was a blast. It was the first time I went to a New Years party
after midnight. Here, you celebrate actual New Years (at midnight) with your family, and then everyone goes out. So, I went to my Aunt Lola's house for dinner with my family, a family friend, and another family. Here in Spain, it's traditional to eat 12 grapes, one at each gong of a clock, at midnight for good luck. Please imagine this. Yeah... it's hilarious watching people do this. Everyone's mouths are full of grapes and the clock is going and it's just great. I have no idea how, but I actually did all 12 grapes to the gongs of the clock! That means I'll have good luck all year! As you can see below, everyone had a fun time.
Me, Rafa, and Adri (a family friend) |
My "Marroqui Uncle", Abuelo, and Adri's Dad |
Everyone except for my Marroqui Uncle
After dinner and grapes at Lola's, I went to a New Year's Eve party with a bunch of friends from school. We rented this big room in San Pedro with a split level, and danced the night away, literally -- the party started at 1 a.m. and I got home at 8:00 in the morning! So at 1 am Iowa time I was still going, even with the time difference! I find this humorous. Man do I wish I could experience New Years again! Such a fun night. No one from my class was at the party; it was mainly people from the other two classes of Primero Bachillerato (equal to 11th grade) at my school, but I love these guys. They make up most of my closest friends here. I feel like I have finally reached the point where I have friends. Like, friends friends who I can really see myself becoming close to throughout the year.
Spain celebrates El Dia de los Reyes, or The of the Kings. This holiday takes place on January 6th and from what I've gathered, it's basically a separate day from Christmas to give gifts, that way you can focus on Christ's birth on actual Christmas day. However, many people (especially families with little kids) open presents anyways on Christmas day. On El Dia de los Reyes, the Reyes -- Kings -- "bring you gifts" if you've been good for the year. I got a little dog charm to put on a necklace or bracelet to remember our dog, Reina! Other than that, I didn't really do much else. My family and I, as well as probably every other Spanish family, ate this delicious cake called Rosca de Reyes. Inside the cake are two "surprises" (little toys) that supposedly give good luck to the people who find them! My piece of cake had one of the surprises. I think it's a bean of some sort, but I'm not really sure... Paola found the other surprise, some kind of little bulldog magnet, and let me keep it!
Rosca de Reyes
We get quite the Christmas vacation here because of The Day of the Kings! Break was from December 23rd (that's including the day that everyone in Bachillerato skips) to January 8th! Please enjoy these random photos that fill in some few gaps I've left out.
Celebrating Niki's 16th birthday at the bowling alley! |
Hannah, me, and Molly spending a day in Marbella! |
Ice skating in Marbella with friends from school! |
I think the only main photos I'm missing are from a day with Molly, Matthew, and an exchange student from Canada living in Madrd, Olivia, who was vacationing in Marbella with her host family. We had quite a fun day that included Olivia and I doubling up on a bike so we could get to the beach! I don't think I have any of all of us together :( Also, I hung out with Rafa and his friends a few times, but I don't have any pictures. Oops.
Christmas break was exactly what I needed. It not only was a break from school, but a chance to get out, and really experience Spain more.
I love the masks everyone wore for New Years and I love the grapes! We will have to try that next New Years with you. Looks like you are having a wonderful time!