Wednesday, March 2, 2011

W a i t i n g . . .

Hello readers! A few noteworthy things have happened in the past week and a half since my last post. Last week, my family and I created "J.E.T.S.", Josie's Exchange To Spain. Throughout the next few months before my departure, J.E.T.S. will have various fundraisers to hopefully raise $4,000 for my plane ticket, among other costs. The first fundraiser is a HUGE yard sale in my church parking March 24-26. If you would like to help out, donations would be greatly appreciated :) More information about the yard sale can be found at!/event.php?eid=166576346728700. Also, if you want more information about "J.E.T.S.", a link to its Facebook page can be found near the bottom of the right column of this blog.

Last weekend was my first Rotary Meeting!! Woohoo! (Inbound and outbound students hang out together for a weekend doing various activities. Most of the times there are informational meetings, but this one was just for fun.) This Rotary Weekend happened to be optional, but I wanted to go, especially since I couldn't go to the January one due to my surgery. I met a ton of  people - inbounds, outbounds, and Rotex "rebounds" (people who have gone on exchange in years prior). We went swimming, saw the Mississippi on a bridge to nowhere, and ice skating. Although I couldn't go ice skating, I had a great time! Below is a group photo of the inbounds/outbounds that came :)

"Chinese smiles" by the Mississippi River

This week, I should receive my guarantee form by email!! It should have the city I'll be staying in, Rotary District, host families, and possibly school etc... I've been checking my email constantly for it!! Ahh, I can't wait to find out! This wait is killing me!

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