Good evening, world.
I know what you must be thinking: "This chick again? Didn't she finish her exchange, like, four years ago?" I'm such an oldie that it's not even funny. But there is a reason I have gathered you all here today... after four years, I have officially returned to the land of jamón and siestas and flamenco.
Yes, Spain. I am referring to Spain. I sill can´t believe it myself. Here I am, writing to you guys again, FROM SPAIN! What nostalgia... Over the years, I have received a number of emails from exchange students and/or their parents that have read my blog. It is always so lovely to talk with you all! This post is for me, but this post is also for you. I hope you enjoy.
I've been in Spain for almost four weeks now. I tried very hard to resist my blogging urges, but, alas, here we are. This is the first time I've been back to Spain since my exchange in 2011-2012 and I've honestly loved nearly every second of it. I've wanted to come back for so long; I knew that when I did, I would love it, but even so I feel like I'm enjoying myself more than I ever imagined.
My first week in Spain was spent with my host sister, Nuria. As you may remember, she is Spanish and lived with my family in Iowa the year after my exchange. We spent half the week in Madrid and the other half in Barcelona, neither of which I had visited before. I had an amazing time as both of these cities are beautiful and have their own character, and also because regardless of where we may be, there is never a dull moment with Nuria. This was the first time I had seen her since she left Iowa - it felt so surreal when I saw her waiting for me at the airport! She is truly lovely and I could't imagine a better Spanish sister to have. We were able to meet up with one of my friends, Kelsey, from Iowa in Madrid and also with a fellow Rotary friend, Paula, in Barcelona. What an unforgettable week.
Park Güell |
Buen Retiro Park |
Kilometre Zero in Madrid |
Buen Retiro Park |
*one* of our churros con chocolate breaks |
Palacio de Cristal |
From La Exposición Aliadas in CentroCentro, Cibeles, Madrid |
Buen Retiro Park |
Sagrada Familia |
Museo de Jamón, Madrid |
Royal Palace of Madrid with Kels |
Barcelona |
Paula :') |
After going to Barcelona, Nuria and I parted ways. She went back home and I went back to my second home, that is, Marbella. I have been in Marbella since, visiting friends, family, and the places I've missed so much (photos likely to come later on). In some ways, everything feels just as I left it four years ago, but in other ways, it feels like everything has changed. Regardless, my friends and family and I have picked up exactly where we left off all that time ago, and for that I am very grateful. My heart feels so full to be surrounded by people here that made an impact on my life.
Originally, I was going to stay in Des Moines for the summer. However, after a series of events and realizing that rent would actually be more expensive than returning to the paradise that is Marbella, I booked my plane tickets for Spain. That was about mid-April. It was pretty spontaneous. When I had everything booked, I couldn't believe I'd be returning. I was so excited; so in shock. All the emotions. In fact, right before I left for Spain, I was nervous. Scared even? Was I making the right decision spending half my summer in Spain? What if something goes wrong on the bus/train/plane? What if it's weird when I see my friends? Should I be working at home instead? It was as if a wave of anxiety and doubt came over me. I didn't have that when I went to Spain the first time. I thought to myself: "Why this time - shouldn't I feel even more prepared than the last time?" However, all of that went away very quickly upon arriving in Spain. I am now SO happy that I chose to come back and grateful that I was able to. Not only have I been reunited with many people and places I've missed, but I've been able to focus on myself by being away from home and its routine. It's like with each coming day, I realize something new about myself. I don't know how to describe it besides that I simply feel very myself.
I believe that in life, we are continuously changing; slowly but surely we are being sculpted into new versions of ourselves with each experience that life gives us. Each place we go to or person we meet affects us, sometimes even to the point of changing your thoughts and ideals that make you who you are. For example, my exchange year was a huge experience; it had such an impact on me, that the person who came back to the U.S. was much different than the person who had left. Going to school in Minnesota changed who I was. Meeting specific people there changed me. Studying nursing has changed me... All this goes to say that the version of myself that I am today is because of many people and experiences (both large and small) that have led to this very moment. Now, as I revisit the place I was once able to call home, I am reminded of so many memories. I am reminded of 16-year-old Josie. She was so crazy. I can't believe she went to Spain for a year. Who does that?? The longer I am here, the more I feel 16-year-old Josie's spontaneity returning. For the first time, I believe that a past version of myself is changing the present one.
Oops - it's 3AM,