Hello devoted readers!
It's already been more than two weeks since my last post! I'm still in Iowa, but the past two weeks have been pretty exciting/fun/boring/tiring/stressful/busy/sad/happy . . . emotions all over the place! (Not necessarily in that particular order, but close.) Let me fill you in.
On Saturday, August 27th, I had my going away party, and it was pretty awesome if I do say so myself! I wasn't sure if people were going to show up, and I've come to hate goodbyes, but it ended up being a really fun time for all! I was overwhelmed by all the support and love, and I'd like to say thanks to everyone who came out and was part of such a special night! Your support means the world to me. I feel so blessed to have you in my life and I'm going to miss all of you SO MUCH!! <3
The delicious cake! |
My crazy friends I'm going to miss like crazy! |
More friends! |
Friendzz |
And a good bonfire, complete with s'mores! |
September 2nd, the following Friday after my going away party, was my original departure date. However, my visa wasn't ready by then so that didn't happen. I was pretty disappointed, but with all the visa complications, I wasn't too surprised. This past week though, was extremely stressful. Up until two days ago, I'd had no update on my visa status since August 13th. All I knew was that Spain had a new visa law that required minors to be granted special permission from Spain's government to apply for a visa, and once that was granted, one could apply for their visa as usual. I was going on three months of just waiting for my visa to be ready, so I
can go!! I began to doubt if I'd ever be granted the approval, or if I'd ever get to Spain, or if I'd have to start school late and be the girl who was supposed to go to Spain but was still...here. Even though I'd been told that things happen, delays weren't unusual, I was beginning to panic. All the outbounds from my Rotary district (there are twelve of us in all) were in their host countries, except for Matt and me, and we didn't even know when we'd be getting our visas.
Then, two days ago happened! Remember what I said a couple posts ago about one email changing your exchange? Well I got one of those two days ago! Apparently the Spanish consulates in the U.S. interpreted Spain's new visa law wrong, and we don't need any special permission granted to apply for a visa! My paperwork has now been submitted to the consulate and is being expedited! Once my visa is ready, I'll pick it up in Chicago, and be off to Spain shortly after! I'm hoping that my visa will be ready by the end of next week. Oh happy day!! You, my friend, are reading the words of a girl
who will be in Spain VERY SOON!!! My school in Spain starts on September 15th, and inbound orientation in Madrid is September 22-24, so I'm hoping I can at least make orientation!
For now, I continue to sit at home while everyone is at school/work. At first, being at home while everyone was gone was super weird. Now, two and a half weeks into the Newton school year, it's pretty much normal. Things have been quiet around here. In fact, the other day I could hear my phone vibrate upstairs, from the basement! It gets a little boring, but I usually find something to do. Since the beginning of summer, I've gone to cross country practice, and I've gone to the two meets we've had so far. What can I say, I enjoy the team, the running, and it gives me something to do every day that is solid, routine. There is always something that can be done! Making more pins, packing/repacking, studying Spanish . . . It sort of feels like an extended summer, but without siblings until 3:30 pm on weekdays. Right now, I'm on a terrible sleeping schedule, hence I type this at 2:45 in the morning. BUT, that won't really matter when I get to Spain since I'll most likely be the Queen of Jet Lag, and time will mean little anyways.
Peace out,